Friday 23 September 2016

hunting debeat

WALT use seec. paragraph everyone should go with there kids hunting gets kids out into bush. Hunting teaches firearm safety. Hunting raise fitness level and survival skills . I encourage every parent to get out with there kids and go hunting. You get to see views awe some animal of New zealand deer elk bulltar shammy goat rabbit duck pheas Hunting is small risk high reward activity because of the meat last for months and the meat is organic when you go hunting small risk of you getting injured or killed. The meat from hunting last for month feeding families of four for months Hunting can be bad because sometimes hunters kill endangered animal an example of this is the white rhino which is about to because extinction due to trophy hunters. There are 4 in zoos and only 2 left in the wild. Endangered animals need to be protected for hunting Hunting can concours animal cruelty hunters who can’t pull of the kill the animal will suffer in pain and bleed out and died in a painful death I have no respect for people who kill animal not at the full potential it's sad that animal don’t get to live a long life

Thursday 22 September 2016