Wednesday 14 December 2016


Today I bought some items from the btb auction. The btb auction is when you get btb points for working hard in the term. You use them to buy stuff that people bring from home . My bear backpack , zebra hat and my love glasses that I auctioned for. Pippa gave me a backpack I bought them for a joke it was fun.

Friday 21 October 2016

you should hunt

HUNTING IS THE BEST SPORT Hunting the best sport to learn to use a firearm. There are many types of firearm but they all have something in common three things a trigger a barrel and bullets. Everyone should go hunting because of these two reasons you can get fresh meat and you can learn a weapons weaknesses and strengths like it’s power or accuracy of the rifle. There many ways to learn to hunt. The most usual way of learning is go to a rifle range and practice your shot on a target. You need the right clothes camo to mix in with your background. If you get good you can enter clay bird shooting if you get super good you can be in the olympics for clay bird shooting or target shooting. I have talked about hunting a sport that people do to get meat and pest patrol.

Friday 23 September 2016

hunting debeat

WALT use seec. paragraph everyone should go with there kids hunting gets kids out into bush. Hunting teaches firearm safety. Hunting raise fitness level and survival skills . I encourage every parent to get out with there kids and go hunting. You get to see views awe some animal of New zealand deer elk bulltar shammy goat rabbit duck pheas Hunting is small risk high reward activity because of the meat last for months and the meat is organic when you go hunting small risk of you getting injured or killed. The meat from hunting last for month feeding families of four for months Hunting can be bad because sometimes hunters kill endangered animal an example of this is the white rhino which is about to because extinction due to trophy hunters. There are 4 in zoos and only 2 left in the wild. Endangered animals need to be protected for hunting Hunting can concours animal cruelty hunters who can’t pull of the kill the animal will suffer in pain and bleed out and died in a painful death I have no respect for people who kill animal not at the full potential it's sad that animal don’t get to live a long life

Thursday 22 September 2016

Friday 5 August 2016


Footsteps  they never going to find me. The morepork is singing. In the background the light is right next to me I roll into a mini valley. The light is. On the tree I catch the eye of a possum I croch. The wind feels like the wind is forcing me back I keep going I hear footsteps the light I crawl away from the light. Dam I feel like I’m in  a Michael bay movie   the light spots some one I run I get found.

Friday 29 July 2016

Monday morning

It’s a monday morning i'm tired as usain bolt after a 40 km run  I can’t be bothered to get out of bed but i get up and. Walk out into the kitchen . I put my bread into the toaster wait for 2mins. My dog  is sleeping she looks like a plane in an airfield. Pop the toast I butter and put in the microwave it  for ten seconds  I put onto a plate and eat it. My brother is stuffed. Run to my room and get ready I come out in my gear wait I need to brush my teeth and do my hair I come out and grab my lunch put in my bag and go.

Thursday 7 July 2016


The BTB auction was the best day of my life but I got a balloon

Wednesday 29 June 2016

bread recipe

Recipe for Awesome Bread Step 1 Put two tea spoons of yeast In a bowl and Pour 500ML of Warm water Into the bowl Leave 10min Step 2
Put two tea Spoon of salt Step 3
 Six cups of flour one At a time stir the flour Squash the flour Squash and push it down again
 step 4

Put oil around the bowl skap the flour of the sides take the blob of flour out of the bowl flip the blob over two times and.
 Step 5
 put a wet tea towel give it a hour.Step 6 punch what's in the bowl squash into a ball. Step 7
 put some oil in a bread pan put the ball into the bread pan leave the ball in the bread pan for a hour.
Step 8
 make sure the bread rise just over top . 400 degrees put in the oven for 30 mins let it rest for 15 mins . Serve with soup or baked beans it is white bread. Serve meat between it to make a sandwich It's nutritions and yum

Kades DLO

Thursday 23 June 2016

the roar

Sneaking in the bush like Ninjas roaring the stag roars back to as we hear trotting dad gets the 6 point 5 off his back i put my hands over my ears boom a big stag is lying on the ground by Kade

kades DLO

Tuesday 14 June 2016