Friday 29 July 2016

Monday morning

It’s a monday morning i'm tired as usain bolt after a 40 km run  I can’t be bothered to get out of bed but i get up and. Walk out into the kitchen . I put my bread into the toaster wait for 2mins. My dog  is sleeping she looks like a plane in an airfield. Pop the toast I butter and put in the microwave it  for ten seconds  I put onto a plate and eat it. My brother is stuffed. Run to my room and get ready I come out in my gear wait I need to brush my teeth and do my hair I come out and grab my lunch put in my bag and go.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you included the simile at the start. I also like the detail you go into when talking about your toast. Your punctuation is also improving. Well done.


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